Jim Hopper
Jim is a loooooong time member of the B.H.S., first joining the Danbury Mad Hatters in 1969. His only hiatus from the chorus Was a twenty year stretch when his boys were living at home during the 70’s and 80’s. He retired from teaching high school mathematics at Joel Barlow High for 38 years in 2007. His first introduction to barbershop music was as a teenager living in Florida when a friend of his dad invited him to a rehearsal of the chorus he sang with in St. Petersburg. It was love at first sound. He sang in the chorus in high school and thoroughly enjoyed playing the role of Benny Southstreet in the school production of Guys And Dolls. Jim has sung in many quartets over the years, usually as a baritone, and has performed on stage in The Music Man barbershop quartet in a high school production at Barlow when the seniors in the show needed a fourth for their quartet, and also in a Richter Park production of the same show. He also serves as a song director for the Danbury Church of Christ. He is a proud father of 3 sons, papa to 9 amazing grandchildren, and husband to 1 beautiful wife Marti.